Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Spring Waltz 🌱

“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature-the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter” ~ Rachel Carson

the above quote for March reads:

"If children at school can be made to understand

how it is just to be humane even to what we term inferior animals, it will do much to give them a higher tone and character through life."

 ~ John Bright

March break, a good time to learn more about nature

 The cats found something to do

 Like playing pretend and wishing that bird was not just a toy.

First day of spring

 "No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn."
~ Hal Borland

FrΓ©dΓ©ric Chopin - Spring Waltz πŸŒ±

Mariage d'Amour - Paul de Senneville

πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒBut the weather forecast doesn't promise it's arrival any time soon.

So, on that note, I'll take from the cats on what to do, maybe take out my toys and paint a faraway place where spring is already in bloom.

Edith Holden painting, her two companions by her side. Edith Holden was a regular supporter of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

One of Edith Holden's postcards 1907 she donated to the society.

From the Book ~ The Edwardian Lady
                            The Story of Edith Holden
Author of The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady
Compiled by Ina Taylor 

Trathens' Great Dane, Rob Roy
by Edith Holden 

Love your pet🐱🐢🦜and of course, the rest of the family!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Bat Bat Boo ~ Happy Caturday ! 🐈 πŸ§‘πŸŽƒπŸ¦‡πŸ§Ή

BaT, Bat Boo! The spooky cute, little fella that just doesn't miss a chance at keeping my company when I paint. Do you see the cat candle ring on the taper? My daughter gave it to me and I usually wear jewelry for a few days and then eventually it gets used to decorate the house. I think I like it better on the candle than on my finger. p.s. No cat was harmed to take this photo!πŸ˜‰ HAPPY CATURDAY !!!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Mostly, Ghostly Night 🐺🐺🐺 πŸŽƒ πŸ‘€

"Listen to them,
Children of the Night. 
What music they make."

Bela Lugosi  Dracula 1931


Inspired by an old flick from 1931, 'Dracula', starring without a doubt the best Dracula ever, Bela Lugosi. I have always loved his line about his pet wolves so I thought why not make 3 little scary cats afraid of Dracula and his furry kids. 

 ' A Mostly, Ghostly Night ' is a  Halloween painting done in acrylic & ink on a wood slice and features a clowder of three ghostly cats, Ghost, Spooks, and Boo @ The Castle By the Sea.

When Ghost, Spooks, and Boo are invited out to the Castle for the October Halloween Ball their plans quickly change when they realize just who lives in the Castle by The Sea.


~ They could hear a strange and haunting melody carried across the sea only soon realizing the music was the sound of howling wolves and they knew that only one could be their keeper, Count Dracula. 

And so, they sat on the mooring posts wondering if wolves and the vampire hunted Ghost Cats.

And when I went to paint the driftwood mooring post for 'Ghost' the cat,  I remembered a scene from my very favorite Ghost Movie, "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" 1947. If you have seen the movie you know the scene I am referring to but if not, it is where 'Lucia's' daughter, 'Anna' played by Natalie Wood writes her name on the driftwood log. 

It is my name, after all, Anna. 

How could I not? Purrfect! 
I hope you like the painting and of course Bat.
Happy Halloween ~ 
🐺🐺🐺 πŸŽƒ πŸ‘€ A Mostly, Ghostly Night πŸΊπŸΊπŸΊ πŸŽƒ πŸ‘€


Monday, March 4, 2019

And All Through The House, Not a Stir πŸ’”

Karson will be 15 years old on May 3rd

Karson is the last surviving pet of

"The Three Amigos"

This morning, all through the house, not stir. All three cats were sound asleep and just looking at Karson sleeping it's very clear he knows Grace is gone.


The little ones, they too know she is gone.



Sunday, January 13, 2019


Does Music inspire you? It does for me. I have always loved the instrumental piece by Santo & Johnny, "SLEEP WALK",one of my favourites.
I love many things like cats and dogs , music, art and stories and much more.
I once again was inspired by a song or should I say by an instrumental piece to create art and inspired by a place I once used to call home a very long time ago.
There really does exist a place called Wychwood across the Ottawa river on the Quebec side at Aylmer, Quebec. And so, I painted "SLEEP WALK".


It snowed all day. It was a very deep and frosty snow. All of Wychwood was under a twinkling blanket of snow; a purrrfect night to tuck in early to bed for a good night's sleep but Genova , the witch couldn't sleep.
She was in an old cottage in the woods , with candlelight reflected in the large parlour room window; by her side, her 3 ghosts ; Ghost, Spooks and Boo. The view of the front lawn was an enchanting site, all sparkling and glittery, just like a Christmas postcard only it was just October.
Oh, my, I'm so tired but I can't sleep! said Genova. Lying on the sofa she reached for the knob on the radio and turned the dial to on, suddenly over the waves there was the song that always sent Genova to a far, far away place.“Sleep Walk”. Genova closed her eyes and drifted to the land of nod. Ghost, a big fluffy white cat, the biggest of the three cats became drowsy to the sound of the still guitar and soon he too was sound asleep. As for the other two cats, Spooks was transfixed to the window, something had caught his attention. It was Boo he was watching,once again sleep walking .......outdoors!
Spooks wondered just how long it would be before Boo would wake from the chilly air and realize he was not inside the house.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

“What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.”

Early mornings are wonderful because it's a quiet time of the day perfect for having a cup a coffee and reading a book. Upon opening the cover of the book I noticed I had written my name inside it, of course from the picture I think it tells a little secret about me, I love cats; but nothing more.

Anna Belanger is my name but just how many people in the world go by that very same name? And for that matter, how many before me who passed on lived by this identical name?

I remember the first time I was taken aback seeing my name written on a tombstone in Italy. At the time I was very young and discovery my name of all places, on a cold granite stone marking a grave made me feel very uneasy. The grave in the family cemetery had revealed to me a secret; I was named after my dad's little sister who had died very young from pneumonia. Who knew, not me until that telling moment.

At that point I realized my name was never the one and only,it was handed down to me and had belonged to someonelse who lived before me. And again happening to me when I married discovering others who shared the very same name. So, when sharing the same name, how does one make a distinction from the rest? 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Casper, Spooky & The Twins

Casper, Spooky & The Twins πŸ’« A mixed media art work ( N. B. Design of The Twins not Mine , not sure who did )

Stargazing at the night sky by a roaring bonfire πŸ”₯ is so, so magicalπŸ’«Now that Fall has arrived the chilly nights beckon us to the midnight garden, sit by the fire and look up at the stars a little more closer spying the constellations 🌌 in the deep dark sky. Not long ago I posted some of the constellations I noticed with the @skyview app, a really fun application that helps you find the constellations a lot quickerπŸ’«
The stars never leave you alone and guide you in your journeys✨never finding yourself lost🌟only I always find myself happily Lost in Space πŸ˜‰⭐️✨πŸ’«πŸŒŸ

@ghostales1957 @murtagh27 @murtagh13

Remember to Look Up at The Stars and Not Down at Your Feet” Stephen Hawking

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