Monday, November 11, 2019


I love the trees! 

I love collecting their leaves, their seeds, the conks that I sometimes find on their trunks on my woodland walks and of course taking their photos. 

I also love the illustrations and paintings of trees, particularly the ones done by 19th - century British artists.

The Witch Broom Tree in this painting was inspired by Emily Carr's gorgeous trees of British Columbia.

"In 1818 Constable exhibited a beautiful drawing of elm trees at the Royal Academy. It failed to sell and so it was still in Constable’s possession two decades later, when he added a note on the back to the effect that “This noble Elm … was blown down April 1835.” It was a portrait, in other words, of a particular tree, one whose fortunes he continued to follow, and whose eventual loss he lamented long after he’d moved away from the area." ~ Professor Christiana Payne

And like John Constable, I adore painting them. When I came upon a tree down the road from where I live that looked quite peculiar I took a few photos of the tree for future reference which would come in handy when I went to paint it. At the time I didn't know why the tree was afflicted with such unusual, odd-looking, broom-like distortions but after looking it up online I discovered it was disease trees get and not from witches : )

I suppose the namesake is because it reminds one of a spooky broom belonging to a witch. So I decided to paint the Witch Broom Tree in oil but it was my first time painting entirely in oil and I didn't realize just how long it takes for the painting to dry and cure. This painting is still very wet.

I added a couple of spiders and webs to the tree and eventually would like to add a black cat and create more depth to the scenery before it's complete. Hopefully, in the process, I wouldn't destroy it.


NOVEMBER 11TH / 2019 



Thursday, November 7, 2019

Bewitching Moon ~ Patrizia Gattaceca 🌝

Bewitching Moon

I'm bewitched by the moon. Too often I fail in capturing photographs of the moon but this is one of the rare moments I caught the moon and its magic.

Bewitching Moon

Over the top of the mountains the moon 
Rose unexpectedly
In the sky it drifted,
A bird, a fairy!
Blown out, round and sweet
It danced in the sky
In the fragrant night,
Lighting every road,
Making my head swim,
My senses dazed.
Did I dream?
Did I really see you?
You fell into the well
Like the declining sun.
Moon, wink at me
Bright Moon, magic moon
The mirror of the loving girl,
Peep out at the balcony!

Patrizia Gattaceca

Monday, November 4, 2019

Dead People's Stuff , Psychometry and a New Painting "Mom & Me on Halloween "πŸŽƒπŸ±πŸ±πŸŽƒ

I love hunting for treasures and coming home with a souvenir someone long ago had loved. Something old just makes a home I think. I have always believed these tokens of the heart I find on my vintage hunts hold hidden secrets and sometimes I get a picture of its old keeper especially if I bring home a group of collectibles most likely that came from the same household. I think it is easy to establish an image of the old spirit and get some inkling to their unique character. 

"Psychometry is the art of holding an object and identifying what information you receive from that object. All material things pick up psychic impressions of the people or animals that have either held or touched the object." Silver Ravenwolf

Looking at my large collection of vintage finds I'm quite sure this house is a good way : )

Halloween is done for another year but not for me. The spooky season never stops inspiring me so I decided to paint a tiny portrait of a mom and baby ghost cats, that sadly never made it one cold winter's night. The real story was told to me by a foster and of course, I love ghost stories and Halloween.
We have had over ten feral cats and now we are down to one who lately has been coming for 1st, breakfast, second breakfast, 3rd breakfast all before noon : )I think she is a bit confused with the cold Fall weather and time.

So with the old florentine gold gilded frame and a sad kitty cat story, I painted "Mom & Me on Halloween" 

Acrylic, Gold Leaf on wood Minature Painting 2.5 x 3.5

Friday, November 1, 2019

We Found HalloweenπŸŽƒ

On our way home from soccer, last night
we found HalloweenπŸŽƒ
It was a dark and rainy Halloween this year but someone did some magic πŸ§™‍♀️🧹and gave us HalloweenπŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ¦‡πŸ•·πŸ•Έ 

And I just have to share thisπŸ¦‡ Purrfect Spooky Halloween Photo of Bat taken by M. πŸ§™‍♀️

Happy Halloween πŸŽƒ

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