After retiring to bed late last night, my cell phone kept going off with text messages. My husband, annoyed by the numerous tinkling spells, asked me to hand him my phone and turned it off. Still drowned in sleep, it didn't occur to me until a few minutes later that it probably was my daughter, Emma texting me photos of Bat she had just taken earlier in the evening. I looked at the screen, sure enough, Bat was looking back at me.
So I got up and joined Emma in the living room, had some good laughs at all of the funny poses, picked a few we liked and went back to bed.
Of course, what came to mind looking at Bat hiding inside the old flowerpot was T.S. Eliot's story of
'Macavity - The Mystery Cat.'
Used the filter here and made it a bit spookier
"For he's the master criminal who can defy the law.
Bat, Bat, there's no one like Bat, There never was a Cat of such deceitfulness and suavity. He always has an alibi, and one or two to spare: And whatever time the deed took place - BAT WASN'T THERE!"
Only this time we caught you, Bat!