Monday, April 27, 2020


PICK ME, PICK ME, PICK ME, PICK ME...Four baby squirrels, likely around 5 weeks old. We picked up all four, literally.....Remember Kathy Bates in Rat Race? lol Well, these came free.

They showed up in our neighbor's driveway, three sitting on the pavement next to the running board of the neighbor's truck and then the fourth one jumped down from the tree by the driveway and joined his siblings on the ground. Their mother apparently had gone missing a few days prior so the four little ones were left to fend for themselves. Dehydrated and hungry they followed us around and so we gave them the essentials, 1st water and then tiny bits of apple and broccoli. 

It wasn't long before we got the call we were waiting for. We were fortunate to find a home for them @ Rideau Valley WildLife Sanctuary in North Gower. 

So happy they took these little babies in.
Thank you so much, Linda Laurus for helping us out.

Oh, and we discovered two of the four are girls. So cute.

It seems we are in an area for rescuing animals but barely out in the countryside, imagine if we were lol .

P.S. To our cat friends, sorry we missed Caturday. Saturday was quite an eventful day.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


It’s World Book Day today. Here are a few of the old books I’ve collected over the years, some from Sally Ann others ordered online or from other thrift stores. The Victorian girl and boy statuette I found at House of Lazarus years ago and affectionately named them Miles and Flora, the ghost children from one of my favorite ghost story, “The Turn of The Screw” by Henry James and the movie “The Innocents”.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Happy World Art Day 🖼🎨🖌🐱 Nine Lives

"A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays"

A painting of mine from a while back and sharing it today for World Art Day ~ Nine Lives 
Bat wasn't put there he placed himself there, honest. Something about art and cats, they just get along so well. 

Il tempo se ne va ~ Time Passes 
Behind the painting is a photograph of my nono and nona in Italy. They brought me up until I left for Canada when I turned 7. They were the best!

Color or black and white? I think I like the b&w, I suppose the reason why I do is I love the color black. 

Happy World Art Day 🖼🎨🖌🐱


I couldn't sleep but I remembered my dream... Salem returned.

‘The Visitor’, by Ian Serraillier

A crumbling churchyard, the sea, and the moon; The waves had gouged out grave and bone;

A man was walking, late and alone...

He saw a skeleton on the ground; A ring on a bony finger he found.

He ran home to his wife and gave her the ring. “Oh, where did you get it?” He said not a thing.

“It’s the loveliest ring in the world,” she said,

As it glowed on her finger. They slipped off to bed.

At midnight they woke. In the dark outside, “Give me my ring!” a chill voice cried.

“What was that, William? What did it say?” “Don’t’ worry, my dear. It’ll soon go away.”

“I’m coming!” A skeleton opened the door. “Give me my ring!” It was crossing the floor.

“What was that, William? What did it say?” “Don’t’ worry, my dear. It’ll soon go away.”

“I’m reaching you now! I’m climbing the bed.” The wife pulled the sheet right over her head.

It was torn from her grasp and tossed in the air: “I’ll drag you out of bed by the hair!”

“What was that, William? What did it say?”

“Throw the ring through the window! THROW IT AWAY!”

She threw it. The skeleton leapt from the sill, Scooped up the ring and clattered downhill, Fainter... and fainter... Then all was still.

Salem was one of our rescues, a very special cat who had a sixth sense I'm sure.


Thursday, April 9, 2020


“It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.” ~ L.M. Montgomery

And so, on this note, I will keep the happy thoughts up-front.

Yesterday, I shared a photograph of our cat Elliott dressed up as granny. It's an old photo of our pet cat dating back to 2003 when M discovered a new game to play with her cat. At first, I thought she was tormenting Elly but it turned out watching him getting dressed didn't bother him in the least, he loved the attention, he just sat there, happy, content to be with his best friend and who knows, perhaps it reminded him of a past life. 

It's not surprising then, to see Bat and Maggie today enjoying the dress-up game, that's if M abides to their rules of the game.  🐟🐠 

Bat with M wearing his pink tutu, though it was more like a blanket it was so big on him. As a baby, Bat was always cold and shivering and M made sure he was always kept warm. I think it's why now he's ok with wearing clothes. And M, well she reminds me of Mary in the

Brother and Sister Cats, Bat and Maggie
Bat is a natural when it comes to modeling, Maggie, on the other hand, is just waiting for her special of the day.🐠🐟

Some cats will love the game and others not at all, we're lucky ours do. Remember, if you are going to play dress-up with a cat, ask them first.

You know when he gives you that look to back off! "Not today, dear girl."

Every day is Halloween in our house and I must say, we all enjoy what wonderful comedians these cats can be. 

So, back to the photograph of granny, it was the bonnet and pajamas which gave thought to a gal, who left me a message on Flickr saying how much Elly's photo reminded her of the granny from the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood and so I shared it like that but later on looking at the original photo without the drawn in specs I thought of a movie I loved way back when I, myself was a little girl......Tomasina

Photos via 

A movie so precious to this day, filled with magic and a cat called Tomasina who teaches us much about life. 

It took me a while to write down the lyrics to the song you hear at the beginning of the movie.
I  couldn't find them anywhere online but I believe them to be accurate.Here you go, have fun singing along to this cute kitty cat song.

Thomasina Song ~ listen here

Music and Lyrics by Terry Gilkyson
Performed by Robie Lester

Who is the most self-reliant animal made since the world began? Who can be the most defiant animal known to the world of man? Born with emerald eyes, so cold, so warm, so wise. Within her kingdom lies the world's arena. Do we need to ask more than that? You must know now, it's a cat. But a very important cat at that whose called, Thomasina.

Thomasina, what are you thinking now? Thomasina, what makes you so high brow?
For I do think of it very odd if you are an Egyptian God, that the wee little mouse runs in and out his house each time you blink or nod. Thomasina, though you may love to roam. Thomasina, don't go too far from home. There are beasties in the garden who would never accept your pardon. If you left the jungle yard in which we play. Thomasina, don't ever run away.

Thomasina, come along with me now. 
There you seen our little bird leave the bough. Thomasina
Even if it's a lark or dove you let them all fly away above you but I guess that always love you anyhow.
Thomasina, come along with me now.
Thomasina, I love you anyhow.

Yes, I am Thomasina  this story is all about me.
I am a self-made cat.

The Three Lives of Thomasina ~ watch the movie Here

Thomasina 1963 Starring Patrick McGoohan who plays the vet, Mary his daughter played by Karen Dotrice is owned by Thomasina The Cat, and Susan Hampshire might just be a witch! You will find plenty of magic here for the whole family. This is definitely a keeper.♥️

Elly, what are you thinking now?

And at the park ...Elly, what are you thinking now? 

Maggie and Bat 
Still got paid 🐟🐠
                         You must respect when they are in self-absorbed reflection, just use their portraits and create some very funny cat people with a program of your choice.

Bat as The Little Naughty Boy in the Corner

Bat as Girl Friday

Maggie in character as Jessica Fletcher 
in Murder, She Wrote

Maggie as The Black Swan

Cats are Creative Creatures 
They sometimes paint, love fashion, watch tv and like watching you paint. 
They never bore and always find something to do. They can teach you a thing or two. 

Elliott and Karson 

Sleeping together all cozy as can be

Karson, The Church Cat

 It was during the blessing of the animals at church one Sunday when one of our parishioners brought in a basket filled with kittens, one of them, Karson. My daughter was completely taken aback. I'm sure it was her favorite Sundays at church. 

Together watching the Birds, Bunnies, and Squirrels 

And here, being two Gladys Kravitzes on Bewitched watching Ꙫꙫ the neighbor's every move . 😂

Bat in quarantine as

Keep Happy Thoughts, play games, watch movies,  be creative, paint, write, knit, crochet, make a little music, they're all good for the soul. Still haven't taken the country walk so that's long overdue.
Happy Thoughts, folks! Go Team Canada!


My cats watching a Disney movie about a cat, how precious is that?
As usual, every morning I'm surrounded by my three cats. As soon as I sit down on the couch with my coffee and computer the cats will come.
Maggie will sit on my lap and go back to sleep, Karson the old boy doses off to sleep next to my leg and Bat enjoying his spacious spot at the end of the couch, oblivious to the world around him falls once again back to sleep. But it was a little different on this particular morning. I was working on a post about the game of dress-up my daughter and her cats enjoy playing. I was watching The Three Lives of Thomasina and as soon as the song began to play, so were the two cats Karson and Maggie, now wide awake watching the movie. Bat, well he was still out like a light. I just had to record the two cats. The moment was just so darn cute, their heads moving back and forth following Thomasina and obviously enjoying the song.

It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.” ~ L.M. Montgomery
Stay Home and Stay Safe😻


Stay Home Canada 🏡🐱♥️🙏 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Happy Birthday Mom / Frankie ♥️💐🌷🍷🌹💕💜💓💛🧡💚💙💓💘❣️

Happy Birthday Mom / Frankie ♥️💐🌷🍷🌹💕💜💓💛🧡💚💙💓💘❣️

84 years young today! April Love💚🌹

Think Happy Thoughts, IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY❣️❣️❣️🎂🍥🍰🧁🌷💐💕💖💞🌹🍀🍷

We will celebrate from afar today. Miss you♥️💙💚💜💛💖💓💘❣️

Love you, mom!♥️💙💚💛💜💘💖💓💕♥️❤️💞💖🎂😻😻😻😘🌷💐☀️🐦

Love, Anna, Stan, M, Ty , Addie, Sabrina and Helene.💚♥️💙🧡💖💘💓💕💜💛❤️💞

Karson, Bat, and Maggie send their love.♥️😻😻😻♥️🍀💚🎂🌹

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