Friday, November 16, 2018

Waiting On a Friend *** The Veil Between Our Mortal World and The Beyond

The Veil Between Our Mortal World and The Beyond
When I first posted this painting on Instagram I had no idea where it was going from there only that I wanted it to convey something supernatural.

As I continued painting, the ghosts began to appear 👀👀👀 

Well, I finally finished the painting yesterday and when it came down to giving it a title it was easy. Always loved The Rolling Stones song ; “Waiting On A Friend”, (first recorded in 1972 and later released in 1981) and when I painted Casper The Ghost Cat sitting on a fence post between Heaven and Earth, “Waiting On A Friend” to check in, it was my obvious choice.

Waiting On A Friend

 Waiting On A Friend * Black &White

Waiting On A Friend * Original

Casper The Ghost Cat and a new way of signing my name ***
 A with 2 dots for ghost 👀's  

The Gate to The Beyond

Casper and a little ghost's eyes peeking out from behind the gate.

Look 👀 closer and you will find some ghosts about the house.

I cut in a few holes for the ghost eyes and stars, eventually I will insert wire lights at the back of the wood panel to light them up.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

“What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.”

Early mornings are wonderful because it's a quiet time of the day perfect for having a cup a coffee and reading a book. Upon opening the cover of the book I noticed I had written my name inside it, of course from the picture I think it tells a little secret about me, I love cats; but nothing more.

Anna Belanger is my name but just how many people in the world go by that very same name? And for that matter, how many before me who passed on lived by this identical name?

I remember the first time I was taken aback seeing my name written on a tombstone in Italy. At the time I was very young and discovery my name of all places, on a cold granite stone marking a grave made me feel very uneasy. The grave in the family cemetery had revealed to me a secret; I was named after my dad's little sister who had died very young from pneumonia. Who knew, not me until that telling moment.

At that point I realized my name was never the one and only,it was handed down to me and had belonged to someonelse who lived before me. And again happening to me when I married discovering others who shared the very same name. So, when sharing the same name, how does one make a distinction from the rest? 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Mossycup Oak Candlestick

I adore trees and one of my very favorites is The Mossycup Oak.

When I found this little tree candlestick at my local thrift store , it immediately reminded me of the Mossycup Oak Tree. Come Fall,  I always collect it's beautiful large acorns, whimsically fringed at the edges of the cup which make lovely fairy hats. One thing I wish I had done when we first bought our house was plant some Oak trees but at the time I thought it took forever for them to grow, I was wrong. 

The Mossycup Oaks grow very fast!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Bat & Cat Jack O' Lanterns

The inside of our house was decorated for Halloween this year and the only outdoor decorations we placed was a floating green Witch Hat with a pussy willow broom and a pumpkin patch  consisting of Cinderella and Fairytale pumpkins. M had midterms on Halloween Night and I was on a dinner date with Spooks so the pumpkin craving was postpone for later in the week. M came up with the two designs, drew them and we then each craved one. 

Bat and Cat Jack O' Lanterns.

Always fun craving pumpkins for Halloween and these two are spooky cute, right? 🎃 🎃

Friday, November 2, 2018

Mirror, Mirror on the Hearth



Will-O'-The-Wisp ~ Ghost Light


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