Books, inside them we find stories and sometimes more than one.By now, if you read some of my posts you know I love to collect old things and books are one. I love to read a good novel, in particular, a ghostly tale that has me bewitched by its captivating story.
But I also love the oldies for their wonderful original tales, their gorgeous book covers and old illustrations.These books are an inspiration to me as an artist and it's no secret they are to many other artists out there. The past keeps many treasures and I love haunting for them.
I remember a quote of E.B. WHITE'S “Always be on the Lookout for the Presence of Wonder.”
This morning I was pleasantly surprised to find yet another hidden treasure inside the pages of the antique Medical Book. Last summer, I bought 2 antique Medical Volumes, used them in photoshoots and decorating my mantle but never opened their pages until this morning. Instead of picking up a volume of “Journeys Through Book land” I picked up one of the 2 Medical volumes, Volume #2~ Health Knowledge , The Most Essential Thing In Life. Flipping through it's pages I found an old polaroid of a man next to his vintage car on page # 1117, on the opposite page was the subtitle “Retinitis” not the same health issue my husband has with his retina, he's had retina detachment in the past but all the same it was curiously interesting finding the picture there because I also found further in the book 2 pink bills with their date and place, 1956; my husband's birth year.
Always look for wonder, for really it's never that far away.
The fella next to the car, I believe could be the owner of the Medical Books and if anyone recognizes the picture they can direct message me if they would like to have it back. You just need to tell me your name ( the name written on the 2 bills) which I think will confirm ownership of the polaroid. : ) I'm sure the picture is a keepsake and memory you would like back.