Saturday, August 31, 2024

BEWITCHED by Cloud 9

Painting requires patience to create a beautiful landscape, much like a well-told story becomes immortal. To conceive the magic in a landscape, I must remember to be patient, take time, not rush and remember to add the details. And then, it becomes bewitched. 

Large seascape original acrylic painting on canvas 20x14 inches. Seaside landscape painting. Original Painting

Thursday, August 29, 2024



Pudding Cake Cove: a place of my dreams. 
When I paint, I most often find myself on cloud 9. Usually, while my husband cooks, I paint."Where's your mind, Anna"? When he continues talking, I often reply with the phrase, "I'm on cloud 9", having no clue what he said following his inquiry. 
Painting allows me to create the places I dream of. The sea is one place I love and love to paint. I suppose it is because I was born by the sea. One can never forget their first home.
I'm not sure what to call my art style. I guess it is naive, along with the style of Maud Lewis. 

So, here is my current happy place. 

- "Cloud 9" 2024 WIP acrylic on oval canvas 20 x 14

Maybe add a Seastar on the beach and lighten the sea cave entrance.

Oh, of course listening to CLOUD 9 BY GEORGE HARRISON 

Saturday, August 24, 2024


When one lives with cats, there is never a dull moment; cats love to tell us stories, mostly funny ones.

I asked Bat, "Remember last Christmas, what happened to Tom "? "I remember. Just when he reached the top of the tree, the branch snapped under him, and he fell".

Not exactly, I said. Tom shouted to the ghost: " Oh no, catch me if you can." Lucky for him, the ghost caught him.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Window in The Attic - Art and A Little Ghost Story

I found a place to hide from the world — a room with a view of the golf course in front of my home. I pretend we don't live in a sleepy community but in the countryside, alone with nature.
The rain had woken me from a dreamless sleep; the cool air in the room that had come in from outside suggested autumn soon would come. The old lace curtains fluttered and lifted gently in the breeze, casting strange shadows on the wall. Alone- inside the attic room, I watched the rain pitter-patter on the window panes. The door creaked open, Bat; my black cat peaked around, jumped up to the window sill and calmly sat. He looked at the green landscape but was fascinated by a white light that danced in front. The room was quiet, save for the soft rustling of the curtains and the distant chirping of birds carrying on the wind. The rain had stopped. All was calm and then.
I thought I might have seen a lace-wearing candlelit cat spook.
The candle's flame flickered wildly and then, with a soft puff, went out.

Thursday, August 8, 2024



The painting depicts a small ghost in a dark, spooky room, lit only by the moonlight coming through the gothic windows and the candle the ghost holds in his hand. He has an ankh in his other hand, the key the Egyptians believed unlocked the gates to immortality.


I had not known before
Forever was so long a word.
The slow stroke of the clock of time
I had not heard.
‘Tis hard to learn so late;
It seems no sad heart really learns,
But hopes and trusts and doubts and fears,
And bleeds and burns.
The night is not all dark,
Nor is the day all it seems,
But each may bring me this relief—
My dreams and dreams.
I had not known before
That Never was so sad a word,
So wrap me in forgetfulness—
I have not heard.

Paul Laurence Dunbar 1872 – 1906

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