Saturday, April 28, 2018

Patti Page ~ Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte

I just discovered a great video on youtube for Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte. So many good actors in this movie, Bette Davis, Olivia de Havillande, Joseph Cotton, Agnes Moorehead,Bruce Dern,Victor Buono, Cecil Callaway, the list goes on.

Magnificent Old Hollywood, those were the days of Golden Classics ❣️

 I have an affection for animate spiders, especially this black one I made, Charlotte. I named her Charlotte after the spider in Charlotte's Web. 
I think she fits in perfectly in this homage to a great horror movie I adore, Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte starring Bette Davis and Olivia De Havillande.
Every time I take a glance at the golden hand with Charlotte the spider she takes me back to 1964. 
Oh, how I love the past!

If you have seen this great movie then you'll get the significance of the hand 😉

Oh, and look what I found at Sally Ann in Kemptville....

'Bette Davis, Larger Then Life', she certainly was and one of my Very Favourite actors.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

At Last,Spring!

Little Suns 

My husband told me to take a look in the ditch and this is what I found....Little Dandelion Suns❣️

Make a Wish 🍀

Monday, April 16, 2018

Witch & Her Little Bat

Witch & Her Little Bat

Witch & Her Little Bat

I dressed up our Witch for Halloween last October and gave her my vintage Old snuff perfume bottle necklace to keep her secret potion and a beautiful blue Victorian beaded bag to keep her special herbs in but little did know I would soon be giving her a little black kitten , a real one🐱Just a wee bit of a touch up obscuring the messing background since it was a spur of the moment photo; we were so excited and afraid of hurting him we took a real quick pic without any setup. Looks better now, I think.

Friday, April 13, 2018

I ain't afraid of Friday the 13th !

I ain't afraid of Friday the 13th !

Little Bat hiding under the table but he insists he isn't afraid of Friday the 13th!

Photograph by M

Thursday, April 12, 2018

STICKS OUT FOR HUMBOLDT ~ Far away someone’s ♥️ is broken

Far away someone’s ♥️ is broken yet it’s hard to escape their sorrow when today we are all connected in some way through social@media and sometimes maybe even more than you first think. My husband and son work in Saskatchewan not very far from where the Broncos bus accident happened and close to Humboldt. He first heard of the accident late Friday night when a fella from work called him up.
The next morning he told me what had happened and recollected how on his drive to the airport the day before the accident his driver had talked with him about watching the last Broncos game that went into triple time.
It wasn’t until his return back to camp this past Tuesday that he realized just how so many were effected by this tragedy including many at his work.

 It’s easy to forget for some and for some they will never forget. Our deepest condolences and prayers to everyone affected by this terrible tragedy.♥️ The Belanger family

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